Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Taking Flight


Hours this flight:    .8
Cumulative hours:  .8
Takeoffs:   1
Landings:  1

After many years of wanting to learn how to fly, I finally made the commitment to make it happen.  I had previously met with my instructor Nick and we decided that today would be my introductory flight.  

Since it is Tucson, just about every day is a good day to fly.  We met at 6AM and Nick had the airplane ready to go.  We hopped in, me in the left seat, and taxied out towards the runway.  I surprised Nick when I knew how to taxi the airplane(with your feet) and did a reasonable job of keeping us on the centerline.  After the pre-flight check, we get our clearance and Nick informs me that he'll do the power/steering, but I would do the take-off.  We accelerate up to 60MPH, I rotate the elevators and off we go.  

During this flight, I worked on climbs, descents, straight & level and turns.  Quickly the time is up and I fly us back to the airport and enter the traffic pattern.  Nick takes the control and my first flight is up.

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